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Kita2 Clinic is a community led service based in CHCC that aims to deliver holistic and inclusive gender affirming care for all while bridging the healthcare gap experienced by gender minorities

Kita2 Services

Our goal is to create a one stop centre that we hope can meet the individual needs of our patients. One that includes Hormone management, sexual health, primary care, and mental health in a space that is welcoming and empowering. Above all we strive for our patients to be safe. Safe from discrimination, safe from misinformation, and safe to practice gender affirmation in a way that is medically guided and of good quality.

HRT Starter Kits - RM190  (Save RM180) Promo

- General Blood Test (M50) (Haemogoblin, White Cell Count, Platelets, Lipids, Electrolytes, Renal Function, Liver Function, Serum Plasma/ Glucose, Urine Feme)

- Estradiol Test

- Testosterone Test

- Doctor Consultation

- Free HIV Ab/Ag Test & Syphilis Test

Standalone Test

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a medical treatment commonly used by transgender individuals to help align their physical characteristics with their gender identity. For transgender women (male-to-female), HRT typically involves the administration of estrogen and anti-androgens. Estrogen helps develop feminine secondary sexual characteristics, such as breast growth, fat redistribution to hips and thighs, and softer skin, while anti-androgens suppress testosterone production, reducing masculine traits like facial hair growth and deepening of the voice.For transgender men (female-to-male), HRT usually involves the administration of testosterone. This hormone induces masculinizing changes, such as deepening of the voice, increased body hair, muscle growth, and fat redistribution towards a more typically male pattern, including a broader chest and shoulders.​

- Estradiol Test - RM56 (Promo)

- Testosterone Test - RM56 (Promo)

Doctor and Patient

Consultation and Medication

- Doctor Consultation- Spironolactone (25mg)

- Progynova (2mg)

- Testosterone Enanthate (150mg)

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